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Chris Adams

Mobile Robotics Research Group

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Contact: Yuval Marom
Last updated: Fri Dec 1 22:05:04 2000

Bridget Hallam, Fast Robot Learning Using a Biological Model, DAI Research Paper No.630,
, Postscript .tar.Z

Bridget Hallam, An Ethological Model of Learning and Motivation for Implementation in Mobile Robots, DAI Research Paper No.629
Abstract, Postscript

Bridget Hallam and Gill Hayes, Comparing Robot and Animal Behaviour , DAI Research Paper No.598
, Postscript

William Chesters and Gill Hayes, "Connectionist Environment Modelling in a Real Robot", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, D. Cliff, P. Husbands, J.-A. Meyer and S. Wilson, editors, MIT Press, 1994.
Abstract, Postscript .gz

Gill Hayes and John Demiris, A Robot Controller Using Learning by Imitation , in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, Grenoble, France, July 1994.

Alexander Kick, Ashley Walker and Robert Fisher, "Dynamic Model for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation", Department of Artificial Intelligence Research Paper 691, April 1994.
(Ashley's new home)

Simon Perkins and Gillian Hayes, "Real-time Optical Flow Based Range Sensing on Mobile Robots", in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems '94, LIFIA-IMAG, Grenoble, July 11-15 '94, Edited by A. Borkowski and J. Crowley, pp 303-310.
Compressed tarred Postscript

Richard Reeve, "Control of walking by central pattern generators", Department of Artificial Intelligence MSc Thesis, 1994.

Ashley Walker, "Learned Sensory-Motor Maps for Qualitative Navigation - PhD Thesis Proposal", Department of Artificial Intelligence Discussion Paper 130, September, 1993.

Ashley Walker, John Hallam and David Willshaw, "Simple Spatial Memories for a Mobile Robot: A Bee-haviour Based Approach", Presented at The Sixth Annual International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 1 - 4, 1993.

Ashley Walker, John Hallam and David Willshaw, "Bee-havior in a Mobile Robot: The Construction of a Self-Organized Cognitive Map and its use in Robot Navigation within a Complex, Natural Environment", Invited Paper at The IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, San Francisco, U.S.A., March 28 - April 1, 1993.

Ashley Walker, "Bee-haviour in a Mobile Robot - MSc Thesis", Department of Artificial Intelligence Paper 92158, September, 1992.

Martin Westhead, "Robust Intelligent Control Through The Use of a Behaviour Based Control Paradigm", presented at IEE Colloqium on Advances in Robust Control, Nov 1993.
Abstract, Postscript

Martin Westhead, "Rigorous Design and Analysis of Behaviour Based Controllers". Poster presented at DRABC'94 --- On the Role of Dynamics and Representation in Adaptive Behaviour and Cognition.
Abstract, Postscript

For general AI papers, see the Department of Artificial Intelligence's ftp archive.