Computer Graphics and Visulization

Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour (IPAB)

School of Informatics

The University of Edinburgh

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From Left to Right: Xi Zhao, Daniel Holden, Taku Komura, Rami Ali Al-Ashqar, Adam Barnett, Shin'ichiro Nakaoka, Joseph Henry, Peter Sandilands, Myung Geol Choi, He Wang
CGVU Group image. From Left to Right: Xi Zhao, Daniel Holden, Taku Komura, Rami Ali Al-Ashqar, Adam Barnett, Shin'ichiro Nakaoka, Joseph Henry, Peter Sandilands, Myung Geol Choi, He Wang

Academic Staff

Taku Komura Human animation, Contents-based 3D data retrieval, Biomechanics

PhD Students

Geng Lyu Light field display
Floyd Chitalu Parallel graphics, Physical simulation
Febrian Rachmadi Medical image processing
Ian Mason Character Animation
Sebastian Starke Character Animation
He Zhang Character Animation

Visiting Researchers

Qinghai Miao Physical Simulation
Xiuxiu Bai Computer Vision
Jun Saito Character animation, machine learning


Daniel Holden Character animation (currently at Ubisoft Montreal)
Nestor Lobato Virtual Reality, Tactile Sensing
Zhengang Nie Image processing, machine learning
Pengpeng Hu 3D scanning
Rami Ali Al-ashqar Character Animation, Geometric Modeling (currently at NaturalMotion)
Joseph Henry Crowd simulation (currently at Toshiba)
Xi Zhao Character animation (currently a Lecturer at Xian Jiaotong University, China)
Peter Sandilands Hand animation (currently at Rockstar)
Myung Geol Choi Character animation, computer graphics(currently an Assistant Professor at Catholic University, Korea)
He Wang Physically-based animation(currently at Disney Research, LA)
Adam Barnett Crowd simulation
Shinichiro Nakaoka Robotics, character control (AIST)
Edmond ShuLim Ho Simulation of human interations, crowd simulation, contents-based retrieval (currently an Assistant Professor in Hong Kong Baptist University)
Kirill A. Sidorov Computer Vision, Computer Animation, Gemetric Modeling, Medical Imaging (currently a Lecturer at Cardiff University)
Hubert PakHo Shum Simulating fights, motion analysis (currently a Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University)
Ludovic Hoyet Physically-based Character Animation (currently a Researcher at INRIA)
Masashi Shiraishi Simulation of human interations, crowd simulation (currently a Research Associate at Waseda University)